Halloween is two weeks away and Connecticut and residents are ready. The temperature has dropped, the Halloween decorations have come out, and the store shelves are being emptied of candy. Auto Body Specialties is an auto body parts supplier in Middlefield, Connecticut. Along with carrying a full selection of auto body parts, we also love Halloween. To celebrate the return of trick or treating after the pandemic, we are offering some tips this week on driving safety for Halloween.
Slow down for trick or treaters!
You should always drive below the speed limit in residential areas the night of trick or treating. Children and their parents will likely be out wandering. Excited kids may accidentally run into the road and not be aware of their surroundings. Be extra careful at crosswalk, stop signs, and traffic lights. If you plan on leaving your home when trick or treating is going on, be extremely careful when backing out of your driveway.
Keep your headlights on.
Most trick or treating occurs at dusk or after dark so it Is important to always keep your headlights on. Children with darker costumes can be hard to see in the light of dusk. Keeping the headlights on will also allow trick or treaters to better see you. Just keep your high beams off so you don’t hurt the eyes of trick or treaters.
Don’t drive distracted.
This lesson should apply to every day driving but Halloween is especially important because you might be using your cellphone more frequently. Between looking for directions to the best trick or treating and taking pictures of your kid's costumes, that distracting cellphone might come out more than usual. Bring a passenger with you that can operate that cellphone so you can keep your eyes on the road.
Always have a designated driver for those adult Halloween activities.
Halloween can be a great time for adults too. Dressing up and attending a party is one the greatest things about being an adult around Halloween. Just be sure bring a designated driver with you for safety.