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5 Tips For Car Riding Safety for Dogs

Aug 22nd 2019

Monday August 26 is National Dog Day! Millions of families across America have a dog as a pet and love to take them for car rides. Car rides can be a very fun experience for canines but it is important to keep them safe while in the car. Whether on a long road trip, or a simple ride to the dog park, check out our 5 tips for car riding safety for dogs.

  • 1.Never leave your dog in the car in hot or very cold weather. Leaving a dog in a hot car can be a death sentence. Even when the air is only 70 degrees, the temperature inside the car can easily rise to over 100 degrees. Leave your pet at home if you plan on stopping somewhere when traveling in warm weather. Cold weather can be dangerous as well. Cars can act as refrigerators when it is cold out and your pup could get hypothermia or freeze to death.
  • 2.If you are going on a long trip, make a list ahead of time of everything your dog might need. This could include food, water, bedding, medication, collar, and leash. You will also want to make a plan so your dog has time for bathroom breaks. Try to find some dog friendly rest stops on your route.
  • 3.If you are traveling across state lines, you’ll want to make sure you have a copy of your pet’s vaccination records. Some states require you to show these records to cross into their state. This is also important if traveling into other countries.
  • 4.Though you may love your dog, it is important to keep them in the back seat if possible. You don’t want your pup distracting you while trying to drive. For extra security, you many want to invest in a canine seat belt for the back seat.
  • 5.Make sure your pet has some type of identification on them. This could be a collar with a tag but a more permanent solution is a microchip that your veterinarian can implant. It contains all of your contact information in case your pet gets lost.