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Common Causes of Summer Car Accidents

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Jul 15th 2020

As states begin to reopen from the Coronavirus pandemic, many people are starting to get their vehicles back on the road. Auto Body shops are also seeing an uptick in business because of this. Summer is a very common season for car accidents. These accidents are not all caused by human error. Many are actually caused by problems summer’s hot weather causes. We encourage all of our customers to remain safe and be vigilant not only while they’re coming out of quarantine, but also on the road this summer. Out article this week will focus on common causes of summer car accidents.

Road Congestion is one of the most common causes of summer accidents. The warm weather makes people want to leave their homes and get on the road. Combine that with the fact that people have been cooped up for 4 months, there’s bound to be more activity on the road. The most common accidents in traffic are being rear ended and side swipes. Be vigilant and avoid distractions while on the road and you will lessen the chance of an accident.

Summer is also a common time for road construction to occur. Detours, lane closures, and construction traffic can all contribute to car accidents. Drivers may also run the risk of running into various pieces of construction equipment such as cones and jersey barriers. Always exercise caution while driving through construction zones. Remember that road workers are also going to be walking around the jobsite so take it slow and stay alert.

Some accidents are not caused by drivers. Extreme heat can wreak havoc on a vehicle if it is not properly maintained in hot weather. One of the most common heat induced potential accident triggers is a blown tire. Tires that are not properly inflated can cause a heat related blowout that can send a car careening off the road or into traffic. Cars that overheat can suddenly stop and stall which creates the potential for accidents. Keeping your car properly maintained can prevent these accidents.

Lastly, summer is also a common time for drunk driving incidents. Cookouts and other outdoor celebrations can tempt party goers to consumer too much alcohol. With restrictions lifted, people are very eager to get out and socialize. Please be responsible when going to seasonal celebrations this year. Drunk driving can not only cause an accident, it could also take a life.

If you or your client have been involved in a summertime car mishap, we have plenty of auto body parts to get the vehicle looking like new and back on the road.