
Four Common Car Crash Myths

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Dec 8th 2021

Auto Body Specialties often sells auto body parts to customers who are doing collision repair on a vehicle. We also hear a lot of stories about what happened during and after the crash. There are several myths out there about car crashes that can effect the outcome after a crash. Today we are going to go over four common car crash myths.

Four Common Car Crash Myths

The car accident was minor, so it is ok to leave the scene.

Even of the crash didn’t cause any injuries, leaving the scene of an accident can result in a misdemeanor charge. This applies to both drivers. If you are involved in an accident, pull over and see if the other driver is ok (this is only if you are uninjured). If the other driver tries to leave the scene, it is important to get the following information. The car’s make, model, and license plate number.

Call the police if there are any injuries and or the vehicles have sustained significant damage. You’ll also want to make sure the other driver is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Don’t forget to take photos at the scene and exchange insurance information with the other driver.

It is always the fault of the rear driver in rear end collisions.

It might seem obvious that they person behind you would be at fault in a rear end collision. This is a misconception because certain factors like defective brakes, or the car in front having issues with their brakes can all cause the problem that results in a rear end crash. The car in front of the car that has been hit may also cause there to be a rear end collision if they stop too fast.

Car accident laws are the same in all states.

Each state has specific lawns and rules regarding car accidents. The state you have your license plate from does not matter. For example, if you have a Connecticut license plate and you get into an accident in Maine, you will have to abide by Maine’s laws. You can find specific state laws about road offenses in the local state government directory.

You feel fine after the car wreck so therefore, you don’t have to see a doctor.

Certain injuries from car wrecks can take time to show up. Injuries to the brain, neck, or spine are often only detected with MRIs and CT scans. These injuries slowly amp up their severity over time. Even if you and you loved one feel fine after a car wreck, do yourself a favor and visit your doctor.