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How to Have an Eco Friendly Auto Shop

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Apr 24th 2019

How to Have an Eco Friendly Auto Shop 

Going green is all the rage these days. Being a more eco-friendly facility can have many benefits such as saving money on energy costs, being able to brag about being a green facility, and having a positive impact on the environment. Believe it or not, having an eco-friendly auto shop is quite possible. Today we will go over tips on how to do so.

Try to keep heat and cold in or out, you'll want to insulate your facility's doors. A company called Garage Door Nation will equip you with the tools to do so. Their kits will make your door insulated as opposed to those old heat and cold sapping metal doors. It will also prevent your hot and cold air from slipping out during the different seasons. To conserve energy, remind your employees to turn the lights off  and machines off at night. You can also ask them to unplug power tools. 

For the floors, the most easy and sustainable material is concrete. If concrete is treated with hydrophobic pore blocking ingredients, it can repel water and block out dampness and leaks. This will cut down on future floor repair costs. Changing your lighting can also be another eco friendly option. Tube lighting provides brilliant white lighting and has an over 50,000 hour lifespan! Though these are more expensive, they will save money over all because their life span.

If you have it on the budget, you may want to consider purchasing new and up top date equipment. Modern equipment often uses less electricity and runs more efficiently. Employees can help you garage become greener too. Provide them with a recycling bin, provide them with reusable water bottles, and encourage them to start their own ride sharing program.