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How to Host a Trunk or Treat

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Sep 30th 2019

If your automotive business is looking to be seen by the community this Halloween, you should consider hosting a “Trunk or Treat”. A Trunk or Treat is an event hosted at a business where children dress up in costumes and walk around to receive candy that vehicle owners give to them out of their decorated trunks. Trunk or Treats are usually held before Halloween.

When planning a Trunk or Treat, you will need to decide the location and time of day. Ideally it could be at your business and it should take place shortly after dark. Make sure wherever time it takes place that you provide adequate lighting. You should also have vehicle participants register ahead of time to make sure there is enough room in the parking lot. Inclement weather is always a possibility so plan a rain date just in case.

There are different ways to get vehicle participants involved. They can just go with candy, or to make things more fun they can provide Halloween themed games and contests with extra prizes. If you have volunteers to cook, consider selling apple cider and hot chocolate. If you have a grill you could even provide the participants with hot dogs and hamburgers.

To advertise the Trunk or Treat, you can always submit a press release to your local newspaper. Another good way is to post the event to your website and social media channels. Ask local businesses if you can put up flyers, it also doesn’t hurt to ask them to participate in the event. You can make the event charitable by asking vehicle participants for a small registration fee. You can then hand the sum of registrations over to the charity of your choice. Schools are usually good subjects for this because you can ask children at the chosen school to get their parents involved in participating.

Setting up a Trunk or Treat is very simple process. It provides an excellent marketing opportunity, plus you’ll be giving back to the community. It is also a simple and fun way to get everyone involved with the fun of Halloween! From the ABS family to yours, we wish you a fun and safe Halloween season!