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How to Prevent Heat Related Breakdowns in Cars

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Jul 20th 2019

New England is experiencing a hot and humid weekend. But, because it is summer, the heat doesn't stop anyone from taking summer road trips. Extreme heat can cause many vehicle problems. Over heating can be an issue and nothing is worse than a vehicle breaking down in the hot summer weather. If you are embarking on a summer road trip, you should read the following on how to prevent heat related breakdowns in cars.

The easiest thing you can do is make sure your car has a sufficient amount of coolant. Make sure you are topped off and if your vehicle seems to be loosing a lot of coolant, check your radiator for leaks. You'll also make sure your radiator is free of dirt and debris. If this debris blocks the air flow to your cooling system, then your car is more in danger of overheating.

You'll also want to check your tire pressure, hot weather can actually decrease tire pressure. Tires that become too soft have a higher chance of going flat. Batteries can also take a beating in extreme heat. Have your battery tested as older batteries loose their charge faster in hot weather. Getting the battery tested is a lot cheaper than having to get a tow due to a dead battery.

It is also important to take care of yourself while driving in the heat. Prepare ahead of your trip for emergencies. It is always a good idea to bring water and food in case of a vehicle break down. Park your vehicle in the shade if you can. If you cannot park in the shade consider getting a window shade which can decrease the tempurature inside your vehicle.