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New Year’s Resolutions For The Car Enthusiast For 2021

Posted by Lauren Middleton on Dec 7th 2020

With 2020 coming to a close, many people are looking forward to having a better 2021. Because 2020 was a terrible year for most people, many of them are already setting up their New Year’s Resolutions for 2021. As Connecticut’s top auto body supplier, we hear a lot of customers suggest ways that they can treat their vehicle better. With these suggestions, we’ve created a list of New Year’s resolutions for the car enthusiast for 2021.

Regularly maintaining their vehicle: Many vehicle owners neglect basic maintenance. They’re either too busy or just forget all together. Neglecting this maintenance can lead to several issues that cost money and time down the road. Commit to a regular and seasonal vehicle maintenance schedule that includes the following.

  • Regular Oil Changes
  • Tire Replacement and Rotation
  • Brake and Rotor Changes
  • Replacing the Air Filter
  • Replacing the Windshield Wipers
  • Checking Tire Pressure
  • Being a more patient driver: Road rage incidents and aggressive driving are two of the most common problems on the road today. If you are an aggressive driver, try to commute when there is not a lot of traffic on the road. You can even try practicing breathing exercises for when another driver angers you. Remember that punishing another driver is not worth the accident it may cause after.

    Keeping your car’s interior and exterior clean: Many vehicle owners try to commit to cleaning their car once per week but never find the time to do so. If you can commit to a weekly schedule of cleaning out the car, the mess will not be able to pile up. If you are also skipping out on washing the exterior of the vehicle, you run the risk of paint scratches from debris and erosion from road salt. Commit to washing your car regularly or getting a membership at a local car wash/detailer. Regular waxing will also protect paint from debris and dead insect accumulation.

    Regularly check your fluids: Most vehicles have fluids that need to be checked and topped off on regular basis. Letting these fluids run out can be a costly and even dangerous mistake. Set up a regular schedule of changing and checking the following fluids regularly. If you have trouble remembering to check them, set up some alarm alerts to go off on your smart phone.

  • Motor Oil
  • Windshield Washer Fluid
  • Brake Fluid
  • Power Steering Fluid
  • Coolant
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Learn basic car maintenance and repair tricks: Most basic car maintenance can be done at home and this is often more affordable than hiring someone every time to do it. Try to learn the following basic car maintenance duties as part of your vehicle related New Year’s Resolutions.
  • Learn how to check all of your fluids and what level they should be at.
  • Learn how to jumpstart a car. This can help not only you but another stranded driver.
  • Learn how to check tire pressure and what PSI your specific brand of tire should be inflated to.
  • Practice jacking up the car, changing out a tire, and putting on the spare.
  • Develop a troubleshooting system for a when a car decides to not start.
  • We look forward to serving all of our customers in 2021. Have a wonderful New Year and don’t forget to be safe at home and on the road.